Check this column for updates and news. Or just general rambling!
Because it's coooool..... |

Maxwell Demon |
Wednesday, April 13 2005 - 6:33 am MDT
I finished posting my rewrite of the script for Bram Stoker's Dracula - it's the "Dracula, Dude" link to the left. Read and
amuse yourself....
Thursday, April 14 2005 - 9:00 am MDT
Just a quick note to reassure those few of you who did check out the site yesterday, I think I fixed all the boo-boos I made
when I was fiddling around, trying to get the front page in order. In neglecting to unclick the "all pages" button when doing
my messing about, I managed to turn every other single page into unreadable messes. Oops! I think that's mostly sorted now.
I will be working on Goth Wars today, but since the script I downloaded was over 150 pages, don't expect it to be completed
any time soon. As Jame says at
"Creat A Cool Day!"
Wednesday, April 20 - 10:49 am MDT
Okay, okay, okay. I've been busy, what can I say? I've been working on the costume pages - which, let me tell you, is a
chore and a half, and something I've put off doing on every other webpage I've ever made (you don't wanna know). I girded
my loins, though, and got down to it. And I'm still not done! I'm getting there though, which is....good.
I also got what I've done on Goth Wars up. I know you're happy to know that, I can tell.
Thursday, April 21 2005 - 8:56 am
Workin' on music pages. Lyrics and stuff. Just another compulsive habit, nothing to worry about.
Friday, April 22 2005 - 9:44 am MDT
Yes, I did forget to click the button that says "change this page only" again, why? But I did spend a goodly portion
of yesterday afternoon fixing that little error in memory, as well as feeling pretty darn silly about it. I hope that helps.
Tuesday, April 26 2005 - 7:40 am MDT
The Serenity trailer will be up at 1 pm Pacific!
Tuesday, April 24 2005 - 4:50 pm MDT
It's so cool! It rawks so hard! Wowie-wow-wow-wow. Can't wait for September. In the meantime, I will be watching this
over and over and over and over.....