I've gathered a lot of links to a lot of fansites, forums, and so on, over the past few months. I will post them here, so
others can share in the wonderfulness that is Firefly, and will be Serenity.
Joss Whedon is a man with incredible talent. It took a while for me to be convinced that Buffy the Vampire Slayer should
be watched religiously, but once I started, there was no going back. So, from Buffy to Angel, and thence to Firefly. Which,
as we all know, was doomed to be cancelled before its time was up. That's okay, there's the DVD set.
Browncoats: Official Serenity Fan Site
Firefly at Prospero Boards
I spend most of my time at the Prospero Board, but it pays to check evey forum for updates and information. Whedonesque is
great for news of everything Joss-related, as well as the alumni of his shows.

Fan Sites
Adam Baldwin Central
All About Adam Baldwin
Alan Tudyk Online
Captain TightPants
Firefly Class
Gina Torres

Jewel Staite
Nathan Fillion Archives
Orbiting Lights
Different site.
Instructions for knitting the "Cunning Hat."
A Simon and Kaylee fan site.
Firefly at SciFiSpace.com
Episodes and Information
Edgar Governo - Historian of things that never were
Shooting script.

Shooting script.
Episode downloads.
Firefly Chinese Pinyinary
Firefly Timeline
FireflyWiki.org - Firefly.homepage
Official Serenity Movie Site
"Whoa - Good Myth" A Firefly Resource Site

Beautiful fan art - click pic |
Downloads - art, video, et cetera
11th Hour Art For Firefly
Can't Take The Sky
(unofficial) Movie trailer download.

Firefly Graphics
Episode and blooper reel downloads.
"In Good Company" Movie Premier - interview download.
Joss Whedon interview, discussing Wonder Woman.

Wizard World Serenity Panel.
Also has icons for other movies, including Pirates Of The Caribbean. Oooh!
QuickTime download.
Just For Pretties:
Beautiful artwork, from various movies, including - naturally - Serenity.

Because Joss Whedon will be writing and directing Wonder Woman, don't be surprised if this site grows a specifically-Wonder
Woman page. I'm just lettin' ya know.