"My God! They're your feet!" - The Kids In The Hall
Online book with a great deal of information on historical footwear. Includes period methods and in-depth research, as well
as following the development of shoes.
Two pairs of shoes, ca. 1690 - 1710; page on Johannes Vermeer House website.
La Trobe University, Department of Podiatry - abstract.
Northampton, England, Borough Council page - short history and various periods of footwear. Includes nicely detailed colour
Antigonish, Nova Scotia Material Culture Project website page - informational paragraphs and images of shoes.
Shoes decade by decade in the 20th century. Images and details, as well. Also a page on pre-20th century shoes, very brief.
From Curtin University, Department of Podiatry, Perth, Western Australia - General shoe history (from pre-history to modern),
covering fetishism. At least one image from each period.
Shoemaking guild, associated with Britain's original Worshipful Company of Cordwainers. Downloads available of shoemaking
information, as well as the purchase of videos and a CD of archived newsgroup postings.

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