There will be more information here, but for now - links!
Fairly detailed articles tracing boys' clothes over the centuries, in different countries.
Academic treatise, with online photos showing great detail.
Images and information.
Comprehensive site, with 270 pages of fashion and costume history information, images, and social history. Includes current
fashion coverage.
Images from paintings with comments and informational details.
Brief history and a few images.
Research and information on costume and (historically accurate) costume-making (ca. 1475 - 1625), including images.
History and images of 20th century designs and designers.
From pottery, as close to the real thing as we're going to get. With good details.
Medieval history, including text and image sources.
Images from costume plates, paintings, surviving garments, and movies.
Lovely photograph of this costume, from the Nicholas and Alexandra online exhibition. Shows exquisite detail of the silhouette
and brocade; written detail is also interesting.
Articles covering hair, accessories, clothing, and more.
Some articles covering periods from the 11th through 14th centuries.
The leinte of early medieval Ireland.
Sense and Sensibiliy is an online store for period patterns; the gallery shows photos of pieces from the proprietor's collection
- beautiful photos and detail.
Brief history, with some colour illustrations. Larger site is devoted to Victorian lifestyle.
By Braun and Schneider (ca. 1861 - 1880) - scanned images and transcribed text from book.
Lots and lots and lots and lots(!) of images of Regency dress. Outwear, men's dress, and women's (of course - with pieces
ranging from riding habits to evening dress and accessories), from paintings, magazines, and surviving pieces. And more. article index.
A pretty comprehensive site encompassing history, caring for fans, types, and the "language of fans."
Simply incredible images, with lots of detail. Fans from the 17th and 18th century. French language.
Online collection, store, and history. Very pretty site.
Brief history of lace fans, and collecting. Essay.
Online store with beautiful period (14th to 17th century) fans.
Mostly French language - site includes history and articles on fans. Some images.
Images, history, and links.
"...a charitable society established in 1975 to promote interest in and knowledge of the fan in all aspects." Online
images, history.
Online collection and definition of types of fans.
Two versions of fan language, with explanations and a bit of history. Site also presented in Spanish.
More fan language - Victorian style.
Opera glove "fan" site. Information, links, galleries.
Historical Needlework Resources page - detailed images and information on this pair of gloves.
Images plus a wee bit of information.
Image gallery with some history and information.
French language page with beautiful photos of antique hats.

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