Ree 201.2

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Tudor and Elizabethan


Just one of many periods people fancy over others. I've always had a certain attraction to the history of Elizabeth I, as well as the dress of that period. I started reading about QEI when I was about 10 years old, and my fascination continues.

Site consists of gallery, diary, techniques, and construction. Good, historically accurate, instructions for spiral lacing and making non-grommet eyelets. Also, good tips for making a fan out of things you wouldn't normally consider.
Gorgeous Elizabethan costume for a newborn, including ruff. Great pics!
"Research on Bruegel's clothing, Period clothing for children, and period dyestuffs."
History research site, including genealogy, images, bibliography, and information on movies and television programs.
Diary, gallery, and how-to's.
Patterns by a costumer, with beautiful gallery of costumes. Link is to Tudor-specific gallery.
Instructions for building Tudor costume - mostly female, with a couple of male items. Also includes some information on shoes, with links to resources.
Images for historical accuracy.


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