These sites are useful when doing a broad search to see what other sites have to offer. While this can be done with a basic
google (or preferred search engine), these sites can help you skip a step at first and move your research on a little bit
faster. (I'm all about skipping a step!)
Early Medieval costuming resources, plus links to other resource sites.
Links listed by periods before and after the fifteenth century, as well as a section on dress accessories.
Textiles links in the middle of a big page of India links (art, history, culture).
"Historic textile links and e-mail lists" - covering embroidery, period dyeing, and tapestry.
Kingdom of Atlantia Arts and Sciences - SCA-affiliated organization. Link takes one directly to their links page.
Lots of corset-related links - resources, forums, and archived articles and news stories.
Costume links, mostly Medieval and Renaissance-specific, including links for embroidery and textiles.
Costume links ranging from general to fantasy, to corsetry and kimono resources.
Part of FibreArtsOnline, this section has links to various ethnic textiles and folkwear.
FibreArtsOnline site - links covering historic clothing and textiles, costume making and vintage patterns.
Long, long, list of corset-making and/or store sites. Goth and fetish intensive.
The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising links page, including a wide range of resource sites.
Links for shoemaking and bibliography, plus Medieval re-enactment.
Comprehensive links page, including subjects from specific periods. Historic resources from early periods, such as Roman,
to seventeenth century; geographical resources from Mongolian to Viking.
Another Medieval Shoemaking page - lists dead links, as well as shoemaking links and resources.
Corsets and petticoats links - mostly Goth specific.
Costume and Dress - links to resources online.
Includes general costume resources, as well as very specific textile resources, including period knitting, needlework, and
Off-site links to information on specific "how-to's" - including hair, makeup, and various costume pieces.
More online resources.
Comprehensive list, covering everything from drink and food to music and calligraphy. Generally related to Renaissance period
(pre- and during), and including a large range of costuming resources from armor to shoes.
SCA-related links page, with comprehensive resources including armor, costuming (Western European and non-Western European)
and jewelry.
Including ethnic, and arms and armor.
Links to "how-to" sites - Elizabethan and Renaissance resources, listed by clothing items, up to and including shoes.
Cosplay/Anime-related links, including makeup and art supplies.
Links page within a larger sewing-related-links site. Includes pattern and fabrics resources, as well as a short bibliography,
separated by period.
Embroidery-related links - various stitches, information, et cetera.
Databases and online image resources.
History, techniques, fashion.
One page of several of textile-related links.
Museums, textile-related sites, and crafts sites.
General Viking and Medieval resources
Infrequently updated, but still useful site of comprehensive costume links. Includes study, schools, research, as well as
sources for items and materials.
Exceptionally comprehensive links site, covering everything from archery to rogues, including hair braiding, rogues, history,
and torture devices.
I don't know anything about this page, except that it has some unique links to interesting sites. Some of the links are iffy,
though, and either only work occasionally, or not at all. I include it here, because when a link does work, it's to a site
with useful information and/or images.
Links to textiles museums and galleries.

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